Vue3 Composition API

What's all the fuzz?

Welcome to the presenter console!

About me

Wunderdog: Consultancy, cool place Vuejs before it was cool: that is before v2

So what's the fuzz about?

Any notes?

What's cool about the Composition API?

For this, we need to talk about the limitations of Vue2:


Readability issues

New functionalities usually impact mutliple places like data, methods, computed properties, etc. This spreads all the pieces all over the component. It would be nicer to be able to organise things by logical concerns

But what about Mixins?

Oh no, he said the M-Word!

Current ways of code reuse



✅ Organised by logical concerns

❌ Prone to cause conflicts

❌ Relationships are shady

❌ Reusability is very limited

❌ Implicit Property additions

❌ No access to this

The M-Word again?!

Mixin Factories

✅ (still) Organised by logical concerns

✅ Easily reusable

✅ Clearer relationships

❌ Namespacing works but is hard

❌ Implicit Property additions

❌ Still no access to this

Explain the difference to Mixins: Functions (factories) that create namespaced mixins to avoid conflicts and to make relationships more clear Namespacing is hard because it requires stricter conventions

Scoped Slots

✅ Organised by logical concerns

✅ Solves most of the issues with Mixins

❌ Moves configuration into template

❌ Hard to reach from the code

❌ Performance might become an issue (because more components)

Any notes?


Composition API benefits

✅ the config is now in our component code

✅ Solves all of the issues with Mixins

import useCoolStuff from '@my/cool-stuff'
import useFunctionality from '@my/functionality'

export default {
  setup () {
    const coolStuff = useCoolStuff({/* config */})
    const actualStuff = useFunctionality({/* config */})

    return { coolStuff, actualStuff }

Composition API benefits

✅ It's just a function that provides the scope for the template

  <h1>Hello {{ toWhom }}!</h1>

  export default {
    setup () {
      return { toWhom: "World" }

Composition API

Okay, better make this reactive

  <h1>Hello {{ toWhom }}!</h1>

  import { ref } from 'vue'

  export default {
    setup () {
      const toWhom = ref("World") // reactive string
      return { toWhom }

Composition API

Lets add an input field:

  <h1>Hello {{ toWhom }}!</h1>
  <input v-model="toWhom" />

  import { ref } from 'vue'

  export default {
    setup () {
      const toWhom = ref("World")
      return { toWhom }

edit in codesandbox

Composition API

But this should be a computed value!

  <h1>{{ greeting }}</h1>
  <input v-model="toWhom" />

  import { ref, computed } from 'vue'

  export default {
    setup () {
      const toWhom = ref("World")
      const greetung = computed(() => `Hello ${toWhom.value}!`)
      return { toWhom }

edit in codesandbox

Composition API

Watching and Methods

    <h2>{{ greeting }}</h2>
    <input v-model="toWhom">
    <button v-if="danger" @click="callPolice">Call Police</button>

import { ref, computed, watch } from "@vue/composition-api";

export default {
  setup() {
    const toWhom = ref("World");
    const danger = ref(false);
    const greeting = computed(() => `Hello ${toWhom.value}!`);

    const callPolice = () => {
      console.log("Bad name detected. Police is informed!");

    const nameWatcher = watch(toWhom, newName => {
      if (newName === "bad") {
        danger.value = true;
        toWhom.value = "good";

    return { toWhom, greeting, danger, callPolice };

edit in codesandbox

So is that how things work now?


Optional, but advanced

In Vue3 the composition API is the underlying technology and the component syntax builds on top of it.

When to use the Composition API

Thank you!

twitter: @koehr_in

