Can’t sleep. So I try something instead: Bayard is a full-text search and indexing server with replication using The Raft Consensus algorithm.

Even this short paragraph contains so many interesting things to check out, that I could fill my night with just reading about the technical details. Which I partially did actually.

If you need help to understand what Bayard is: imagine Elasticsearch or Solr with out-of-the-box replication written in rust. I want to play with it and see what useful things I can do with it.

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  1. holy moly. this is what i call new tech content. thankyou. now i have more things that i can read ❤️❤️

    1. Don't understand a thing and you should sleep 😝

      1. @zoragefion 😅 you're right

        1. @zoragefion but thanks to my insomnia I have now gigabytes of nicely indexed Wikipedia articles at my fingertips!