Reading about the screen orientation api while brewing some coffee. My day started a bit crazy, coffee hopefully makes it better.

Did you know that you can get exact Azimuth, Pitch and Roll values of phones inside the browser? I wonder if that could be used for some website experiments. Like a page that changes content or colours depending on the direction of your phone… #code #coder #coding #codinglife #creativecoding #programming #programmer #programminglife #programmerrepublic #dvlpr #geek #programmerslife #programmers #art #artwork #instagood #instadaily #engineering #engineeringlife #softwaredeveloper #softwareengineer #webstagram #webdevelopment #webdeveloper #webdev @codeclique @techngneer @comment_sense @lovecoders @coding @worldcode @coderlifes @programmerrepublic @thedevlife @peoplewhocode @developerstuff @webprogramist


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