A sunny Thursday for you all!

It’s beautiful, warm and sunny today in #Berlin so I moved my #homeoffice to the balcony. It was nice until at some point I strangely felt watched. Swipe left to find out why 😅

Today is maintenence day. The different guilds (in my case the frontend guild) are working on different topics collected over the last month to clean up and fix minor problems that otherwise don’t fit into the schedule. It will be a productive day!

Does your company have such days? Tell me in the comments.

#code #coder #coding #codinglife #_devcommunity #creativecoding #programming #programmer #programminglife #programmerrepublic #dvlpr #geek #programmerslife #programmers #art #artwork #instagood #instadaily #engineering #engineeringlife #softwaredeveloper #softwareengineer #webstagram #webdevelopment #webdeveloper #webdev @codeclique @techngneer @comment_sense @lovecoders @coding @worldcode @coderlifes @programmerrepublic @thedevlife @peoplewhocode @developerstuff @webprogramist @_devcommunity


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  1. Hey! Love the content, just followed you😁. I am intrigued to see what you produce next.

    1. Der Blick ist Gold wert 😂😍

      1. Oh mein Gott, diese Augen 😍