Starring for no reason. But what’s up with that side project of yours?

Good question! I’ve made a very rough list of things I want to implement before calling it a beta and I will now try to do everything step by step with a bit more structure.

This post will be followed by a story. In both I want to ask everyone who is interested: What should a URL shortener that you can host yourself offer for you?

Currently implemented or planned are the following features:

✅ add and retrieve URLs (duh) ✅ Different users with API keys 🔜 Super users can add/remove users 🔜 Rate limiting for non-super users 🔜 Simple visit counter per URL ⛔ List all URLs (per user?) ⛔ Change existing URLs ⛔ Analytics per URL

Entries marked with ⛔ are not planned but maybe you think they are necessary? Or maybe things I didn’t think about? Tell me in the comments!


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    1. Cute coworker!