Oh no, looks like I slipped and fell into the #mechanicalkeyboard rabbit hole again. I found the Sofle keyboard which is very similar to the Lily58 but moves the thumb cluster further out. I think I’m going to get a kit at some point. But one with hot swap sockets this time. Because I also found some really exciting new switches I want to try 😅

Search for Sofle Keyboard to learn more about the keyboard. The new switches (I ordered a couple to try for now) are called Boba U4 and are made by the legendary @gazzew. I’m so looking forward to try them!

Do you have a mechanical keyboard? Tell me in the comments!


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    1. I have a Moonlander Mk 1, but I'd love to build something like the Lily58 to take with me on the go (I'll have to check out the sofle too)

      1. @thebiggestnovak how's your experience with the moonlander? It looks great but the differences to the Ergodox are not worth the money in my opinion.

        1. @coffee_n_code I had never used the ergodox before, so I can't really compare them. But I've been enjoying it a lot! It's my first ergo keyboard

          1. @thebiggestnovak the Ergodox is basically the same. It has almost the same keys and layout and uses the same software. But it's clunky compared to the Moonlander. Clunky as in Build Like A Tank. But feature wise it's the same, really

          2. Ur biggest fan from Jordan 😍 wow